How To Improve Usability In WordPress

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How To Improve Usability in WordPress


The plug-ins

There is a lot of plug-ins in WordPress and here some of them have been enlisted below and the utilities of such plug-ins have been discussed deeply for your help.

WordPress SEO by Yoast: This is one such plug-in which is claimed by the experts, as important as the WordPress itself.

Simple URLs: This is one of the greatest plug-ins, which is capable of tracking the outbound links. They can also be controlled within the WordPress itself. If someone has some affiliate links on his site, one can easily estimate the high conversion rate one can enjoy. The number of clicks will definitely increase in terms of those who make purchases using the affiliate link.

RB Internal links: This plug-in is great for internal linking. It uses the post ID to make an internal link rather than the URL itself. This implies that if one wants to change the URL of a page or a post, then the URL gets updated automatically. As a result of this the risk of internal 404 pages that harm SEO, can be eliminated and it guarantees that no user will go to a page that never existed. Remember this is one of the most important plug ins among all due to the sheer positive impact that it offers for the customers across the globe when it comes to designing.

NextGen Gallery and Lightbox Plus: These two plug-ins have a combined effect. Lightbox Plus takes the help of Colorbox, which is a jQuery image gallery script. This is a very user-friendly installation and does not cause hindrance to on-page SEO. It also has a lot more features in terms of appearance and behavior. NextGen is another plug-in, which is highly recommended.

Some other alternative methods

When the question of how to improve usability in WordPress comes in mind it is quite a difficult challenge. There is always a WordPress logo at the login page. But, the best results can be achieved if the logo is exchanged with the client’s logo. This ensures that that there will be no more confusing a login page with a WordPress site. WordPress has a large number of menu items, some of which are situated in confusing places. They can be often unnecessary also. If the items are grouped in a logical manner, the confusion can be avoided to a great extent. The menu item, which is not needed anymore, can be removed for creating extra storage space. There are some complex processes installed along with the WordPress, which can be automated, inserting alt tags, the pages that come when an image is not loaded, can do this. It is better to automatically generate the alt tags, based on a specific set pattern.

Other minor changes

The changes, mentioned above, doo not take much time to implement and can render a stress free experience for the users. The help of the technical teams can be taken to make it a user-friendly WordPress site.

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